Saturday, January 31, 2009

Never Eat Candy from a Stranger

Yesterday at work, a man came in for a meeting with one of our tenants. While he was waiting, he asked me if I had some mints or gum. I had both in my huge purple bag, so I gave him some, and we started chatting about why he had bad breath. Apparently he sprays his mouth with this stuff that blocks all the fats, sugars, and carbs of anything he eats right afterwards. And then I did something really stupid. I tried it. He was offering it to me and his buddy was right there and I caved. Bad idea, right. Seriously, how did I get through high school without trying cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs?? It felt rude to just tell him no after pretending to be so interested in this product that makes food pass right through you without absorbing it. Not only was the spray gross, it completely changed the way food tasted in my mouth for hours. No explosive diarrhea yet, but I'm not counting anything out. Has anyone heard of that stuff? Maybe you can pass along some of the nutrition facts and side-affects?


Rob and Lori said...

Are you sure it wasn't a date-rape drug. Ohh Rachel...what are we going to do with you?

Scott and Karin said...

It was probably canned oyster spray. That can make everything taste bad.


Crystal Hendrix said...

I can completely see you doing this! LOL

Andrea said...

I am with Lori on this one! The date rape drug was my first thought too. Luckily it only tasted gross and didn't get you into bad trouble.

chelle said...

Wow, keep us updated. Should you be driving? JK. m